Pimp your Dummy – english

Can your slot jaw or latex doll look left and right or even blink?

Many ventriloquists use soft puppets who cannot move their eyes. Dolls with the ability to move their eyes, have a rod or pole. These kind of dolls cannot bow their head or crumple their nose as against soft puppets. This feature allows much more gestures. Opinions differ on this questions. Several ventriloquists swear by soft puppets and sadly lack eye and lash movement. Others favour eye and lash movement and do without ducking. It was my objective to create a mechanism, that lies in the head above the jaw – so above the ventriloquists hand. Design related this constructions has to be very flat. After several experiments I light on a feasible solution.

Pimp your Dummy is the ultra-flat technology with a design height of just 1 cm, eyes are on top. This mechanism lies in the head above the jaw – so above the ventriloquists hand.The maximum height with eyes is 2 inch. This book is a construction manual. The technique is mechanical and works reliable. The precision mechanism is described in detail and provides various color pictures.


This book is a construction manual. 80 color pages paperback. The technique is mechanical and works reliable. The precision mechanism is described in detail and provides various pictures.

book – 80 color pages – paperback
construction manual
8,2“ * 5,9“ (21 cm * 14,8 cm)
83 drawings and photos
english edition