Christoph Borer

borer.jpg Christoph Borer - Der Runenlord

I call this picture
Lord of the runes

Christoph Borer, the Swiss mentalist, is who I mean. According to unconfirmed statements from sideline guests he is supposed to have a soft spot on mental-illusions including runes. So it suggested itself to stage the dark lord in the moonlight surrounded by rune stones. In his hand – of course – the devil’s prayer book, a game with 52 cards. He surely knows the card of your choice due to his clairvoyance.

The holster under his streaming coat is readily charged with his 52 volt battery boring machine. This borer is used to detect the card. Away back he distributed this piece of legerdemain at magic dealers.

Protruding from his hat you see the lady’s glove, one of his favourite tricks to find a card.

Since he is some kind of world-fame guru in the mental-scene, he earns a pentagramshaped halo.

He wears tails, too – unfortunately you cannot see it under his box coat.

Christoph Borer really exist:

Dibond – 30 x 40 cm

Simon Pierro

pierro.jpg Simon Pierro - Der Spaßzauberer

I call this picture
Cheeky Magician

Simon Pierro is a German magician, who already entered contests in his younger years successfully.

As a dishwasher he lived the rags-to-riches story on stage. Everything he touched turned to gold, even his vest. He is Vice-World Champion of Magic and won the Siegfried & Roy Award in Las Vegas. He is from the so called ‘Stuttgarter Schule’, too. Most properly he requires a shrine for all his prizes and awards as well. Simon Pierro has been spotted in Germany by Frank Elstner for the TV format ‘Verstehen Sie Spaß’.

Soon he established himself as the ‘cheeky magician’ and has nearly been on every show during the ‘Elstner-era’. He also used magic art in the street. Made cars disappear, exasperated remover, grabbed through bullet-proof glass and made passers-by brood. He really pulled the wool over the clueless’ eyes.

He always pretends to break the classic cliché of the magician with tophat and tails. That’s surely reason enough to sort him out. I think the tails suit him good. Thanks for the fit occasion, Simon.

Here he is, the diabolic TV-cheeky magician Simon Pierro, in classic tails and golden Vice-World Champion vest. Out of his tophat jumps the hidden camera… Täätää

Simon Pierro in web:

Julius Frack

frack.jpg Julius Frack - Der Damenschneider

I call this picture:
The mad tailor

Actually, I intended to draw Julius Frack at some remote period. In his younger years, he made a distinguished contest career. He was one of the most successful German magicians from the so called ‘Stuttgarter Schule’. His signature feature is/was the tailor stunt using all imaginable dressmakers equipment. The valiant little tailor turns simple cloth to a dress, which comes alive as a real woman.

His success made the world his oyster. Then he vanished into the thin air… merely to rise like a phoenix in 2008. To the surprise of the entire German experts, he competed in magic competitions as illusionist.Only a few gave him credit for this due to his close knit tailors brandmark. But he disabused all: he became World Champion of Stage Illusions.

In his latest illusion – thus his World Champion routine – his assistant Cindy floats on two chock blocks, he saws her in half and walks through her. What an effect!

Inspired by this, I drew Julius Frack as illusionist with a wagging finger. There is his brandmark in the shade, he cannot get rid of, now more than never. Indeed, he saw the floating woman with his scissors in two.

His wand turns to needle and thread in the realm of shade, of course. Thanks for making it so easy, Julius. As a ‘simple’ tailor, I would have kept you waiting. But like this you turned into my favourite headline picture.

Julius Frack really exist:

Dibond – 30 x 40 cm

Special costume design

The technical costume designer has been involved since the year 2000 as an advisor for show theatres, magicians and artists from Canada to Australia. Alongside three dozen different techniques, eighteen inventions have been created. Some of these have been mass-produced and are distributed today by a Californian wholesaler to magic dealers all over the world. Las Vegas magicians use some of his effects in their big shows, and his products could even be seen in use in the gala show at FISM 2006. Today the consutant works for big events, galas and show productions. The coach and consultant for Germanys Top Rockstars, Comedians, Singers, Magicians, Stars and Topmodels works also for magicians and artists. For the Eurovision TV he was Coach and performer for few of the biggest TV Events from Europe.

Liu Chien

liu_chien_web.jpg Liu Chien

Ich nenne diese Zeichnung
Mister Miracle„.

Hier im Bild der derzeit berühmteste Zauberkünstler der Welt. Milliarden Zuschauer sahen ihn in mehreren TV Specials life. Im Sommer 2011 ihn lud Luis de Matos in seinen privaten Eliteclub ein. Die EMC (Essential Magic Conference) ist ein jährliches Treffen im Internet TV von wichtigen berühmten Zauberern. Also Zauberern, die Luis de Matos für wichtig und berühmt hält; oftmals auch immer die gleichen. So saßen dort 33 Zauberer vor den Kameras, schauten sich gegenseitig beim Zaubern zu und redeten viel. Manche haben nur geredet. Einer hat sogar einen Film von seiner Vorführung gezeigt. Das war, also würde man einen Kinofilm sehen, in dessen Handlung die Darsteller, ebenfalls im Kino sitzend, sich einen Kinofilm ansehen. Ganz großes Kino. Applaus, Applaus!

Liu Chien wurde auch dorthin eingeladen und zeigte seine ACAAN Routine. Diese führte er ohne Hände und eingesperrt in einer Abgrenzung vor. Man konnte hören, wie die Kinnladen von 32 Zauberern auf die Tische plautzten. Während dieser Routine im TV Millarden Zuschauer zujubelten, fanden die allerbesten Superzauberer diese Routine bei der EMC ganz nett. Ich fand sie besser und habe sie hiermit gezeichnet. Liu Chien auf der EMC bei seiner ACAAN Routine.

Dieser Cartoon erschien für die / in der Fachzeitschrift Magische Welt 4/2011 . Dort ist er seitenfüllend zum Ausschneiden abgedruckt. Sie finden in der Zeitschrift ein hochinteressantes Interview mit ihm und natürlich vieles mehr.

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