Prince of Darkness

Der Fürst der Finsternis - Martin Sierp Der Fürst der Finsternis - Martin Sierp

I call this figure
Prince of Darkness

Martin Sierp aka “Prince of Darkness” just returned from the blood bank. Unfortunately he grabbed the wrong blood type which results in his misty eyes and his crosswise stand. The incumbent German Champion of comedy magic has recently been at Dieter Hallervordens “Wühlmäusen” on TV. This is a generally accepted competition for young talents which is performed life on TV with millions of viewers. Martin Sierp performed outside the competition as a gala-showact and flapped over the stage.
Serves him right, if I sit in front of my TV with my pencil, this old bat.

By the way: His magic mate Sascha Grammel won the public’s choice award for his ventriloquist performance in this show – congratulations from my side! Martin Sierp and Sascha Grammel form „The Zauderer“ together – a funny, batty magic duo.

The prince of darkness really exist:

Dibond – 30 x 40 cm

Sonny & Galina Hayes

The Dreamteam - Sonny & Galina The Dreamteam - Sonny & Galina

I call this figure
The Dream Team

See this world-class comedy magic duo. Galina literally jumped ‘numerus clauses’ from the Kiev Circus School on the Theatre Academia in Moscow. Shortly after, she won almost every “Miss Magic” title available all over the world. Sonny is one of the most famous comedy magicians world-wide. He studied arts (Bachelor of Arts), too and had global TV appearances. He has worked often for theatre and TV as a consultant and had his own TV show in Britain.

With his wife Galina his art- and comedypotential raised and a worldcareer began. They have been described in the media as “The Dream Team”, so I do in this cartoon.

Sonny, the always noble and shrill dressed, all-dominant great magician, who never succeeds. This guy has class since he is known for his sleeveless tails and shirt but instead attaching great importance on collar and cuffs. Galina is the moving spirit and clown, who is essential for Sonny.

These international highly decorated artists live in Berlin and work much for German varieties.

Sonny & Galina Hayes really exist:

Dibond – 30 x 40 cm

Julien Daniel

juliendaniel.jpg Der Zauberkonsul Julien Daniel

I call this figure
The Conjure Consul

See the French magician Julien Daniel. Julien has been living in Berlin until a few years ago and has been significantly involved in supporting the Franco-German Friendship between the friends of magic from France and the “Magischer Zirkel”, Berlin. He is a so called Conjure Consul. To date magicians from Berlin are still visiting the French friends of magic and vice versa. Thus, the concept of a consul seems appropriate for me.

Julien Daniel’s favourite trick is the Braco routine with a ring and a rope. Braco himself allowed him to carry on his trademark.

Today Julien lives in France with his wife Vici and found another passion additional to magic: unicycling. In this cartoon you see his new rope ring bike chaining.

His lovely wife gave him this picture on dibond 30 x 40 cm as a present and Julien was very happy so that he hung it up at his place.

img_3599.jpg Der Zauberkonsul Julien Daniel

Julien Daniel:


Der Zaubärlin Der Zaubärlin

I call this figure

I created this true-blue Magibearlin in the occasion of the 90s anniversary celebration of the Magic Circle, Berlin.

I had loved to hand over this birthday present myself, but unfortunately my personal attendance was prevented. To ensure this picture reaches the jubilees in time, I herewith publish it one day before the big convention. May the Magibearlins never run out of magic!

Congratulations to Berlin!

Dibond – 30 x 40 cm

Please also find Magic Circle (MZ) Berlin in the internet:

In the picture: The presentation of the dibondprint to the Magic Circle on the MZvD e.V. convention at the end of October in Freital near Dresden. Left: Peter Schuster, 1. chairman MZ Berlin, right: Lex Schoppi

Übergabe des Zaubärliners an den Magischen Zirkel Berlin Übergabe des Zaubärliners an den Magischen Zirkel Berlin

the masked hero

Der Maskierte Der Maskierte

I call this figure:
The masked hero

So well… in this picture you see the “masked magician” preparing his best trick. This antihero blows the lid off illusions and thus disillusions viewers, especially on kid`s channels, for more than one decade now. Disclosing an illusion after the performance is like establishing a graveyard next to a hospital. This great hero has to disguise in the daytime as well to prevent his magic peers from lynching him on the street one day.

A magician`s highest good is the protection of his own magic secrets. Thus it was not that hard expressing artistically his attitude towards this issue in my cartoon.

This cartoon has NOT been printed on canvas. Maybe one day a paper manufacturer will stoop to print it on four-ply perforated yard goods and launches it on the magic market. Please do not print, do not hang up, consider the environment!

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