The Master Trainer
This picture is part of the serial
News from the Headquarter
In this cartoon Eberhard Riese preaches his theses. Once he wrote a world best-seller about the creation of magic performances with underlying plot where the character finding does not flinch from using musical or movie characters. The honorary member of the Magic Circle Germany from Stuttgart is founder of the so called ‘Stuttgarter Schule’.
A vast number of international successful Championship-turns have emerged from there and several of them achieved the World Champions title (believe it or not, this really exists). The ‘Stuttgarter Schule’ takes up the cause of breaking with the classic cliché of magicians in tails and tophat.
Just another reason for me, kitting out the figurehead of scenic competition magic befittingly. Stuttgards star director dances en pointe in tutu skirt Tschikowski’s swan lake. Clothes make the man…
… out of his hat, which matches the plot, he conjures a little swan. The necessary and absolutely fitting stagedeco blusters out of it, too.
Rounding off the scene, the great master delights us with a poem free adopted from Hofzinser:
“ Only when tale meets garb, magic turns to pleasing art.” *
Concerning the headquarter
The serial:
As implied in the title, you will find news from the headquarter. I have bugged the ultimate centre of magic power so that I can take snapshots at the right moments. Here you will find everything, that is usually in hiding or what the future will bring. Return and find out more…
Lex Schoppi Cartoon
All Lex Schoppi Cartoons are freehand drawn and digitalised afterwards. So everyone who would like to decorate his theatre or his advertising space is cordially invited to check Lex Schoppi Cartoon for more information.
His Eminence
This picture is part of the serial
News from the Headquarter
As mentioned in the title, there are news from the headquarter. The headquarter in these cartoons is constantly alternating. The boardmembers of the Magic Circle Germany keep us on the go, if we want to be up to date with their reigning activities.
The ultimate centre of power of German magicarts, so to speak. I came off bugging all these locations and thus could take snapshots at the right moments. For this purpose there is a crystal ball in the magic cabinets of all directors which allow me to see in their chambers. Here you will find everything, that is usually in hiding. What the future will bring to the Circle, who does not pay his dues and who will win the next German Championship. Return and find out more…
See president Wolfgang Sommer falling from his throne with laughter. (Ha haa haaa, I’ll split my sides. Look – Inge!! See the Rise on pointe in tutu !!!)
Concerning the headquarter
The serial:
As implied in the title, you will find news from the headquarter. I have bugged the ultimate centre of magic power so that I can take snapshots at the right moments. Here you will find everything, that is usually in hiding or what the future will bring. Return and find out more…
Lex Schoppi Cartoon
All Lex Schoppi Cartoons are freehand drawn and digitalised afterwards. So everyone who would like to decorate his theatre or his advertising space is cordially invited to check Lex Schoppi Cartoon for more information.
Red-hot, for public release approved headquarter news can be found here:
Michael Weber
I call this figure
The Hole Hunter
See the American magician Michael Weber! As a consultant, he worked for many Hollywood productions, as a magician he performs for the biggest companies, as a lecturer he shows magicians who is the dare-devil… and now he appears in the specialist periodical „Die Magische Welt“. Since it is me to create the caricatures for the aforementioned, you’ll find him, Mr. Weber, on the celluloid which means everything to him.
Find the salient point on the screen role – which is most probably the talking point in his workshops and catch sight of him climbing through the card. Which does not show the American Bicycle back: I took the liberty of furnishing it with the phoenix.
This cartoon appeared in the trade magazine „Magische Welt“ 3/2011. Find a full page ready to cut it out so that you can hang it up over your bed or behind the closet. Moreover, the journal offers a very interesting interview with him and tricks, tricks, tricks… of course.
I call this figure
Mister Camouflage
See the American magician Levent! Besides the standard magician ploy he finds million ways to punish his furry (!) rabbit in his comedy magic show. Nearly incidentally he is a worldclass manipulator. For me, his best gag is the „camouflage“ of cards. In which the back of one card has the same design as his shirt. I have transferred this absolutely amusing pink shirt camouflage on his rabbit. Some of his other stereotypes, fads and allusions are hidden in the picture.
This cartoon has been published in the trade magazine „Magische Welt“ 2/2011. Find a full page ready to cut it out so that you can hang it up over your bed or behind the closet. Moreover, the journal offers a very interesting interview with him and tricks, tricks, tricks… of course.
Levent really exist:
Penn & Teller
I call this figure
misleading frauds
Americas leading scandal-magic duo “Penn and Teller” fascinate with their so called misleading frauds. This is a pseudo-explanation of a trick, which contradicts itself in the course of the show. They fool the audience regularly and in the goriest way. They genuinely saw a woman in half and leave her viscus on the stage behind or they burn the Star-Spangled Banner in the White House. They run their own TV show called “Bullshit”. They are firmely established in the US showbusiness.
The giant Penn is a raconteur; the small Teller generally uses mime while enchanting as much as he can. Both of them are posing in my cartoon, Penn more solid then Teller would have wished. They are famous for their identic grey clothing and Penns red nail.
Penn & Teller really exist:
Dibond – 30 x 40 cm