Searching for a new logo

Magica Fledermaus Magica Fledermaus

I call this picture:
Searching for a new logo

According to the record of the boardmeeting of the Magic Circle Germany in April 2008 the old club emblem was supposed to be revised. I have reconsidered for a long time, why I resolved upon that.

Furthermore, I asked myself where it lingers about.

Well, I have learnt bats do not eat that quickly. See bat Magica, the Circles mascot eating.

Concerning the serial: as implied in the title, you will find news from the headquarter. The headquarter in these cartoons is constantly alternating. The boardmembers of the Magic Circle Germany keep us on the go, if we want to be up to date with their reigning activities.

The ultimate centre of power of German magicarts, so to speak. I came off bugging all these locations and thus could take snapshots at the right moments. For this purpose there is a crystal ball in the magic cabinets of all directors which allow me to see in their chambers. Here you will find everything, that is usually in hiding. What the future will bring to the Circle, who does not pay his dues and who will win the next German Championship. Return and find out more…

Concerning the headquarter

The serial:
As implied in the title, you will find news from the headquarter. I have bugged the ultimate centre of magic power so that I can take snapshots at the right moments. Here you will find everything, that is usually in hiding or what the future will bring. Return and find out more…

Lex Schoppi Cartoon

All Lex Schoppi Cartoons are freehand drawn and digitalised afterwards. So everyone who would like to decorate his theatre or his advertising space is cordially invited to check Lex Schoppi Cartoon for more information.

Red-hot, for public release approved headquarter news can be found here:

The Great Giant

I call this comic book ‚The Great Giant’

This satirical comic book caricatures the qualifying competition for the German Championship of Magic in 2010

The leading actor – ‚The Great Giant-, a star director of world fame, in the role is noted for: the magic interpretation of the opera swan lake. He enchants in ballet slippers en pointe, in tutu skirt and tails, of course.

Please pay attention to the passion for detail in creating the hat rack. The absolute highlight is the Quick Change tutu, which appears at the flick of a switch. This is the jewel in the crown of high tech costumes.

The Great Giant presents his swan lake as opening sequence of the above mentioned event.

This international decorated show act of the ‚The Great Giant’ is from a magic technique point of view the absolute high point, quasi high end magic par excellence. The eagerly waiting conference audience especially arrived early to see this world act. What it looks like or how it ends can only be seen in the comic book. The world premiere is in Saarbruecken at the qualifying of the German Championship of Magic.

Trailer: For this comic I have created a small special trailer.

This glossy magazine is published in a limited edition at the qualifying of the German Championship of Magic competing for the golden bat. It is the first comic book issued by Lex Schoppi Cartoons. Besides, Caricatures in good fun on the world in between was overdue. Please find detailed infos later here. The German Championship of Magic really exists. Everyone interested in magic should visit it!

(Cash – Additional/Extra show)

Theatre 2

Der Fürst der Finsternis - Martin Sierp Der Fürst der Finsternis - Martin Sierp

This cartoon is part of the serial “Theatre at the headquarter”

Today the “Prince of Darkness”, Martin Sierp checks in for his performance (see the posters).
Hopefully he wakes up in time for his show (he had an alcoholic for breakfast).

We have been forced to drag him and his mobile home the whole way from the hotel to the theatre because of this sucking sun. In some way one of the stagehand was complaining about slight illness afterwards.

The prince of darkness really exist:

Concerning the headquarter

The serial:
As implied in the title, you will find news from the headquarter. I have bugged the ultimate centre of magic power so that I can take snapshots at the right moments. Here you will find everything, that is usually in hiding or what the future will bring. Return and find out more…

Lex Schoppi Cartoon

All Lex Schoppi Cartoons are freehand drawn and digitalised afterwards. So everyone who would like to decorate his theatre or his advertising space is cordially invited to check Lex Schoppi Cartoon for more information.

Theatre 1


This cartoon is part of the serial “Theatre at the headquarter”

This is the wicket of the virtual theatre. I finished the interior as well as the exterior view, so that I can paste everything up and each and every hero can perform on my stage.
We have a doorman, of course (chairman of the Magic Circle, Germany).

See the preparation of an important major event.

Concerning the headquarter

The serial:
As implied in the title, you will find news from the headquarter. I have bugged the ultimate centre of magic power so that I can take snapshots at the right moments. Here you will find everything, that is usually in hiding or what the future will bring. Return and find out more…

Lex Schoppi Cartoon

All Lex Schoppi Cartoons are freehand drawn and digitalised afterwards. So everyone who would like to decorate his theatre or his advertising space is cordially invited to check Lex Schoppi Cartoon for more information.

Second Hand Dealer

Neues aus dem Hauptquartier - Uwe Schenk und Michael Sondermeyer Neues aus dem Hauptquartier - Uwe Schenk und Michael Sondermeyer

(Of course, we have old saws… hope you don`t mind traces of usage) See both heroes from the legendary Second Hand magic shop `SIC!’ at work. This interactive cartoon has been put out for tender on the social network FACEBOOK. Whereas some magicians requested to see the famous two suffocate in books, others compared them with the TV scrap dealers ‘Die Ludolfs’. Actually you can get every magic trick in the SIC’ warehouse, that has ever been produced. The SIC! depot ranks among the biggest treasure troves in whole Europe. Thus I decided to furnish the room with bookshelves and old props. Just give them a call and the protagonists unearth the whole warehouse with their forklift.

They put their name on the map with their Second Hand shop and chanced their luck as publicists. Guess what, today they are one of the most successful publishers of German-speaking magic-literature.

In the picture on the left UWE Schenk, on the right: Michael Sondermeyer. Uwe is boardmember of the Magic Circle Germany (MZvD), therefore this cartoon can be found in the serial “News from the Headquarter”.

This dibondpicture has been presented on the congress of the MZvD e.V., at the end of October in Freital close to Dresden. The two protagonists are currently moving to a new domicile, where it will be hung up in the lounge.

Dibond – 40 x 30 cm

These two guys really exist:

Übergabe des Cartoons an die sic Helden Übergabe des Cartoons an die sic! Helden

Concerning the headquarter

The serial:
As implied in the title, you will find news from the headquarter. I have bugged the ultimate centre of magic power so that I can take snapshots at the right moments. Here you will find everything, that is usually in hiding or what the future will bring. Return and find out more…

Lex Schoppi Cartoon

All Lex Schoppi Cartoons are freehand drawn and digitalised afterwards. So everyone who would like to decorate his theatre or his advertising space is cordially invited to check Lex Schoppi Cartoon for more information.

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